Arlington Catholic High School News


  • 05/11/20ACHS Daily Update 5/11

    Daily Update, Monday, 5/11/2020


    Good morning AC-


    Our daily opening prayer at AC: Loving God, as I begin this day, help me to live my life to the best of my ability. To be open to those who love me. To respond to those who need me. To forgive those who hurt me. To be especially kind to others with my words and actions. And to appreciate the world in which we live. Saint Agnes, Pray for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


    Today is B Day. Students should complete work for Mods 6-7-1-2-3.  


    Today is the first day of AP Exams. We wish good luck to all students as they take their exams from home. Students taking exams should be sure that they can access their ticket (see emails from Guidance for details). Also, students are exempt from any classwork on the day they take an exam (they may need to make this work up, however).


    Students are encouraged to continue attending as many ‘live’ class meetings as possible.  


    We are trying to work out a schedule for students to come and clean out their lockers. This will likely be after May 18th and the next round of guidance from the state. 


    Parish Announcements:

    • We know that many may wish to reach-out for pastoral care. The priests of St. Agnes Parish are available via phone (781-648-0220), email, or a number of video conference platforms, such as Google Chat and Zoom. Their contact info is available at
    • There are many resources and programs offered by the parish listed here
    • Each day you are prayed for at the Facebook Live Mass broadcast from Saint Agnes Church each day at 12pm. 


    Senior Announcements:

    • We were so happy to see almost all of you last week. Please email Mr. Cobb ( if you were unable to pick up your cap and gown and would like to do so. Please continue to post your photos to social media and send them to us as well ( or
    • If you have any outstanding work in your classes, please submit to your teachers by Wednesday.
    • More information on the upcoming activities will be sent home this week.




    The Arlington Catholic Administrative Team