Arlington Catholic High School News


  • 04/29/20SAS Daily Update 4/29

    Good morning, SAS families!


    Here is today's Morning Prayer.


    On Friday at 8:00am, Father Mike will offer a Parent Coffee about Mary, our Blessed Mother.  Please join if you are able!

    *Please note, Father Mike is on call for his new ministry to anoint patients with COVID-19 in the hospital, so there is a possibility that he will have to cut the coffee short if he gets a call.  Thank you for understanding.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 766 8986 6023
    Password: 0BCHgy


    It will be the perfect follow-up to the Parent Rosary at 6:30am!

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 729 6482 5691
    Password: SASRosary


    Today's fun activity suggestion is: There are some fantastic podcasts out there for kids. Check out But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids, which offers interesting answers to questions submitted by children. First up: Why Do Lions Roar? (You’ll probably learn a few things, too.)


    The Poem of the Day is: "The Trees" by Philip Larkin.  See an animated version read here.

    The trees are coming into leaf
    Like something almost being said;
    The recent buds relax and spread,
    Their greenness is a kind of grief.

    Is it that they are born again
    And we grow old? No, they die too,
    Their yearly trick of looking new
    Is written down in rings of grain.

    Yet still the unresting castles thresh
    In fullgrown thickness every May.
    Last year is dead, they seem to say,
    Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.


    Shout-outs to:

    K0 students learning about the 3 Little Pigs!

    2nd Grade as they write their first book reviews!

    5th Grade as they learn about fractions!


    I am so proud of you all.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    United in Prayer,

    Mrs. Oglesby