The average student teacher ratio is one teacher to eleven students
AC currently offers 23 different Advanced Placement Courses
90% of the students in the lower school continue on to the upper school
90% of students are involved in at least one sport or activity
AC Alum Vicki Movsessian ’90 won a gold medal as part of the USA Womens' Ice Hockey Team at the 1998 Nagano Olympics
AC Alum Julia Marino ’10 was the first person to represent her home country of Paraguay in the winter Olympics at the 2014 Sochi Olympics
AC Alum Julianne Nicholson ’89 has 63 TV and Film credits to her name. 2021 she won the Emmy for the Mare of Eastown
AC currently offers 43 sports teams
AC has won 124 Catholic Central Large Championships
80% of faculty hold an advanced degree
The current faculty have a combined service of 767 years at AC
There are 9 faculty members that have over 25 years of service
The Drama Clubs produces 5 performances each year between the upper and lower school
Drama (5) shows:
Lower School -- Christmas Pageant and Spring Musical
High School -- Fall Musical Revue, Drama Festival Play, Spring Musical
12 current faculty members have dedicated over 25 years to teaching at Arlington Catholic
10 % Faculty and staff are alums themselves
17 Virtual Courses are available to meet the individual needs and interests of our students
100% of students applying to college are accepted
Arlington Catholic has won 13 State Athletic Championships
Saint Agnes School is proud to offer a Learning Center with a full time special education teacher in order to meet the needs of students with Individualized Education Programs
When AC opened in 1960, it was staffed solely by the Sisters of Saint Joseph
72 Sisters of Saint Joseph have ministered here at AC, as well as 9 additional nuns from different religious orders