100 Days to Graduation:
February 11
Celebration during morning break
Advanced Placement Exams:
Many of our seniors will be completing AP Exams between May 5-16. These dates are indicated on the school calendar. The expectation is that all students will take these exams or risk the loss of AP credit. Students do not need to attend classes on days that they have exams. Students will be told exactly when and where to report.
Seniors Last Day of School/Yearbook Ceremony:
Wednesday, May 14
More details to follow
Junior/Senior Prom:
Friday, May 2, 7-10pm
Required Graduation Practice:
Wednesday, May 21, 10:15am
Saint Camillus Church grounds
More details will be forthcoming
Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony:
Wednesday, May 21, 6:30pm
Saint Agnes Church, Arlington
(Graduate and parents only)
Commencement Exercises:
Thursday, May 22, 2:00pm
Saint Camillus Church, Arlington
The event will be held outside on the grounds behind the Church. There will be no limit on attendance. In the event of rain, we will move the event inside the Church and be required to limit attendance (likely to no more than 8 per family).
Google Accounts:
As of August 1, graduating seniors from Arlington Catholic High School will no longer have access to their school ACHS Google accounts. We recommend students use Google Takeout to create an archive of their data in Drive, Gmail, etc. This data includes the Google Docs, Google Slides, Gmail etc
Google Takeout - to copy and transfer your files takeout.google.com/transfer