Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Ways to Give

The AC/SAS Fund

We Are Catholic

Meet Mr. Clivio

Meet the Community

The Drama Clubs produces 5 performances each year between the upper and lower school


Key Facts

How can I make a gift to The SAS/AC Fund?

There are many ways to give! Thank you for your interest in supporting Saint Agnes School/Arlington Catholic High School. There are a variety of vehicles for giving and we hope one is the perfect fit for you. Choose from a one-time online payment to a recurring monthly gift, both benefiting the SAS/AC Fund. You can also set up a named scholarship or look into planned giving options. 

CLICK HERE to make your online gift!


Development Office

Make checks payable to Saint Agnes School/Arlington Catholic High School and send to:

Saint Agnes School/Arlington Catholic Development Office
16 Medford Street
Arlington, MA 02474

Memorial Gifts

Memorial gifts are contributions made by surviving spouses, relatives, friends, associates, or classmates of deceased members of the Saint Agnes School/Arlington Catholic High School community. We will acknowledge your thoughtful gift and notify the spouse or next of kin that a gift has been made.

Honorary Gifts

You can make a gift to honor someone special, for their birthday, anniversary or any other occasion. Your generosity will be acknowledged in a card informing the person honored.

Planned Gifts

Planned Giving is a way that you or your family can make a significant contribution to the success of Saint Agnes School/Arlington Catholic High School, while also providing you with significant tax, financial and estate benefits. There are many ways to give a planned gift including:

  • Securities
  • Real Estate Retirement
  • Plan Assets
  • Cash
  • Personal Property
  • Life Insurance
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Pooled Income Fund
  • Wealth Replacement Trusts
  • Retained Life Estate
  • Bequest
  • Charitable Gift Annuity


If you have questions please contact Gabbie Foderaro at gfoderaro@achs.net