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  • 03/03/20Coronavirus update from the School Nurse

    Good Afternoon Saint Agnes and Arlington Catholic Families,

    We, as a school community, would like to address the recent concerns regarding Coronavirus and the potential impact it may have on our school community. We would like to reassure our families, students, faculty, and staff that we are monitoring the situation closely and have a plan and procedure for the medical staff to follow in the event we are presented with a potential case. We are following the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and Archdiocese of Boston in regards to how to prepare for this potential illness to present at school while also recognizing that we remain at a low risk for this to become a major concern in our school community. 

    We remain focused on disease prevention and are continuing to recommend frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizers for all members of our school community. We diligently encourage cough and sneeze hygiene practices. Our custodial staff is continuing to disinfect frequently used surfaces and has supplied every classroom with appropriate hand sanitizers and disinfecting supplies. We ask that all students and staff who are ill remain home rather than coming to school. Remaining home when sick is vital to reduce all communicable disease transmission and Coronavirus is just one reason to follow these recommendations. These measures are our best practice methods that we recommend in school to reduce illness and disease prevention on a daily basis.  We are following the recommendation from the CDC and are not encouraging students or staff to wear a mask at school. 

    Please know that we are monitoring this situation closely and will be in close contact with you if further concerns arise regarding Coronavirus. Please be sure to discuss this with your children at an age appropriate level. Very often, our younger students may hear from parents, peers, and the media about disease outbreaks which can increase anxiety and fear regarding their health and safety. Please reassure your children that their teachers and school staff are working to keep them safe and that they are safe. 

    Please follow the links below for more information regarding Coronavirus. 

    This link is a short video for elementary and middle school children if you’d like to watch that with your child.

    Information to schools from the Catholic Schools Office may be found here: 

    Please know the health and safety of our school community is always our priority and we will continue to closely monitor this changing situation. 


    In Partnership,

    Kelly Edwards and Stacey Boczenowski

    Saint Agnes School and Arlington Catholic School Nurses