Dear Arlington Catholic and Saint Agnes Students and Families,
As you are aware, Governor Baker announced that all schools will remain closed until the end of the school year. These have certainly been challenging and difficult days to navigate. As your Pastor, I am keeping all of our students and families in my prayers.
We keep praying for our first responders, medical staff, military personnel and essential workers who are helping all of us find our way through this pandemic. And we pray for all those who have fallen ill.
I want to reassure you that the faculty and staff of both campuses will continue to support you in the days ahead. We are all missing the sense of community and vibrancy of our faith life as well as our school life which students, teachers and staff certainly bring to the classroom, the stage, the field and across the campuses. Our teachers love what they do and they love your children. So, the reality of continuing to be apart is indeed difficult for all of us to experience.
I want to add my voice of thanks for our dedicated educators whose good and faithful service has been recognized by so many families.
When we anticipated the initial closure of school, we launched the transition to online learning. Over the course of these past few weeks, we have appreciated the engagement of students with their learning and are grateful for your support.
Also, I want to assure our graduates that we are endeavoring to honor their achievements and commitment to our school and to each other.
Arlington Catholic and Saint Agnes will each be sending out the plans and guidelines for the days ahead.
Please be assured that as a parish family and a school community, we will stay united, support each other and pray together. We are an Easter people and we believe and proclaim the powerful messages of assurance, hope and love which Jesus first offered his disciples. When they were locked away in fear and isolation, Jesus appeared and bestowed his Peace upon them. Know that He continues to enfold us in His Love today even as we experience our own feelings of anxiousness and uncertainty. Let us place ourselves and those feelings in the Palm of God’s Hand as He is our source of refuge and strength.
In the coming days, please reach out to me if you need pastoral care and prayers. I am here for you.
God bless,
Fr. Marc