The Drama Clubs produces 5 performances each year between the upper and lower school
Any student who is interested in participating in Division I or Division II collegiate sports must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. For information regarding eligibility requirements and recruitment, please visit
To register with the NCAA Clearinghouse, please visit
Transcript Release Form. You must see Mrs. Lally in the Guidance Office, and pick up a Transcript Release Form so that your transcript may be sent to the NCAA. This form can be used to send an official transcript through Grade 11 and/or the final transcript after graduation from high school.
The goal of Arlington Catholic’s Freshman Guidance program is to help students transition from Middle School to High School and provide a general overview of important information about the Guidance Department and high school in general. Our program is comprised of two parts: small group discussion and one-on-one counselor meetings.
The following topics will be addressed during Freshman year:
Study Skills
Time Management
“Role of a Counselor”
Survival Tips for Freshmen
Participate in Special Education Meetings
NHS Tutorial Services
Stress and Depression
Substance Abuse
Course Selection
Naviance Introduction
Learning Styles
Standardized Testing Information
Summer Opportunities
Report Card Review
Online Resources
Upon completion of freshman year, students will transition to a new guidance counselor who will work with them throughout senior year. Counselors will continue to support students’ academic, social/emotional, and career/college development in group discussions and one-on-one meetings.
The following topics will be addressed during Grades 10-12:
Transcript/Report Card Review
Academic Counseling
Standardized Testing Information
College Planning Timeline
Participate in Special Education Meetings
Teacher Recommendation Discussion
Study Skills
Consult/Refer to Licensed Social Worker
Scholarships/Financial Aid
Letters of Recommendation
Course Selection
Personal Counseling
College Search Assistance
Common Application
Mini-College Fairs
College Representative Visits
Time Management
Naviance Training
NHS Tutorial Services