Alumni Network | ACHS - Connect with ACHS Legacy



We Are People of Character

Meet Eddie (Ziang)

Meet the Community

90% of the students in the lower school continue on to the upper school

Welcome Home Cougars!

It gives us great pleasure to serve the AC alumni community in several ways, from welcoming alumni back to AC with a variety of special events, assisting individual classes with their reunions, in the Alumni E-news, or on this website! Arlington Catholic High School is proud to bring our alumni a place on the web that they can call their own. Alumni truly define our alma mater and serves as its strongest legacy. Each alumnus is important to us as you hold a vital part of the AC story within your experience here.

This area of the web site is designed to keep our alumni informed of special events, activities and programs. Here you can stay connected to your friends, former classmates, teachers and all those who made your experience here memorable.

 Be sure to stay in touch and take advantage of the programs and events available to alumni. Whether it’s attending reunions, drama productions, games or attending one of our signature events, we want you there!

Alumni are an active part of our school community. We are AC because of you.