Arlington Catholic Fine Arts

Fine Arts

Fine Arts

The spiral symbolizes Arlington Catholic's Art department. This universally positive symbol appears in the visual works of numerous cultures including Celtic art, Native American petroglyphs, Arabic architecture, Japanese rock gardens and African masks. It is also known to symbolize the evolutionary process of growing and learning. In terms of Spirituality, the spiral can represent the path from outer consciousness to the inner soul. As the arts are intrinsically valuable to all engaged learners, our classes integrate these various meanings as we begin the spiral journey with the basic principles of design and color theory. As our travel continues, students explore advanced artistic techniques and experiment with adding a deeper meaning to their work while applying their learned skills in creative problem solving, communication, and management of time and resources across academic subject areas. Just as the spiral may continue forever, our goal as an Art Department is to heighten curiosity and instill a life-long interest in all things creative.

Students must complete one year of a Fine Arts or Humanities courses as a graduation requirement (courses that fulfill this requirement can also be found in the English and Social Studies Departments).


Michael Fullerton (Visual Arts), 
BA- Studio Art, Clark University
MA- Art Education, Boston University
John Lindner (Visual Arts),
BFA- Art Education, UMass Amherst
MA- Ceramcs, State University of New York, New Paltz
Samantha McNeill (Drama/Theater Arts),
BA- Russian Studies, Wheaton
Vanessa Schukis (Music),
BM- Music Education, Morovian College

Course Offerings

Advanced Choir

This is an advanced performing group for students to develop their vocal technique and choral singing skills. Students in this course will have, with the permission of the choir director, the opportunity to participate in the choir at Liturgy and to cantor. This course requires conversation with the instructor before it is approved. Advanced Choir may be repeated with the permission of the instructor.


Grades: 10, 11, 12

AP Music Theory

This course is designed to teach the theory behind common practice in music notation and writing. At the end of this course, students will be able to notate a melody from hearing it, sight sing in major and minor keys, add harmony to a bass line, and identify musical features such as pitch, intervals, scales, rhythm, and meter. Students will gain skills equal to a one credit college music theory course. Students are required to take the AP exam in May.


Prerequisites: A previous music course or a demonstration of knowledge of music notation through a placement test. 


Grades: 10, 11, 12

AP Visual Arts Studio


1 Credit

This course is for advanced students who are thinking of applying to a college art program and pursing an art-related career. Ability to work independently is required. Portfolio preparation and presentation are the main focus. Home assignments include drawings and conceptual planning in journal form throughout the year.  Students will have the opportunity to recieve credit for AP Studio Art by completing additional assignments and submitting their portfolios.

Requirements: Only with Permission of Instructor.

Grade: 12

Art 1

ART 1 - 751

1 Credit

This introductory course focuses on the basic skills and vocabulary of art. Techniques covered include: color theory, pencil-shading techniques, perspective, figurative gesture drawing, collage, introduction to sculpture and basic design layout. Home assignments include short readings and occasional sketchbook/planning drawings. This course is recommended for students who have not had extensive previous art experience.

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12



Band is a non-credit course that is offered by Elfman Music during the WIN period on a weekly basis. Information on signing up and fees will be available to families in September.


Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12


Chorus is a performing class for all students who wish to develop their vocal technique and choral singing skills. Students will sing quality choral and a cappella repertoire from a variety of musical time periods and genres including sacred, classical, world music, musical theater and contemporary music. Students will work to improve sight reading, vocal technique, choral blend, harmonic independence, diction and musical expression. There will be at least one required performance each term.   Chorus may be repeated for additional credit with the permission of the instructor.


This course will meet twice each week and is required for all 9th grade students unless they are enrolled in Music Appreciation, Fine Arts Appreciation, Theater Arts, or the Achievement Center. Upper Class students may choose to enroll in this course and replace their study twice per week.


Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12


DESIGN – 752

1 Credit

This course focuses on different areas of design. Good craftsmanship is emphasized. Projects include: calligraphy, interior design, type exploration, corporate identities, page layout, advertising, and printmaking. Home assignments include the maintenance of a journal of ideas throughout the year.

Requirements: Previous average grade of “A” in primary school art classes and/or completion of Art 1.

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Fine Arts Appreciation


½  Credit

This course will provide an overview of Music and the Visual Arts. Major artists and musicians, as well as movements and styles of their work will be studied. Pieces that continue to influence the contemporary world of art and music will be stressed. Depending on the expertise of the instructor, the appreciation of the visual arts and/or music appreciation may be emphasized. The purpose of this course is to awaken an appreciation for the arts and encourage participation in other art courses in grades 10-12.


This course will meet three times each cycle and is required for all freshmen unless they are enrolled in Chorus, Music Appreciation, or the Achievement Center.


Grade: 9

Honors Painting & Drawing


1 Credit

A variety of media is utilized in this course including: acrylic paint, watercolor, gouache, ink, graphite, pastel, colored pencil, pen and ink. Still life, observational, imaginative and abstract drawing and painting are explored. Home assignments include sketchbook drawings throughout the year.

 Requirements: Previous average grade of “A” in primary school art classes and/or completion of Art 1.

 Grades: 10, 11, 12

Music Appreciation

Music Appreciation is a class for all students who love music and would like to develop knowledge to enhance their musical skills. This course will include an introduction to music theory and the elements of music such as rhythm, modality, tempo, timbre, and form, as well as the evolution of music throughout history. Students will then apply their knowledge of music theory and history to songwriting and recording projects. Some performance elements will also be included in the course.


This course will meet twice each week and is required for all 9th grade students unless they are enrolled in Choir I, Fine Arts Appreciation, Theater Arts, or the Achievement Center.  Upper Class students may choose to enroll in this course and replace their study twice per week. 


Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12



1 Credit

Three dimensional art making is studied in this course. Projects include: wire sculpture, jewelry making, papermaking, figurative forms, ceramic vessels, and relief sculpture. Home assignments include the maintenance of a sketchbook/idea journal throughout the year.

Requirements: Previous average grade of “A” in primary school art classes and/or completion of Art 1.

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Theater Arts I


1 Credit

This course introduces students to the art of play production.   Students will be introduced to various aspects of production including playwriting, acting, costuming, make-up, set design, lighting, sound, props, directing, dramaturgy, as well as stage and house management.  Students will study these elements in the context of readings from a variety of theatrical genres.  At the end of each semester, students will produce a short play or showcase in which they will have the opportunity to apply their skills.


Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12