Arlington Catholic Mathematics



The infinity symbol represents the major goal of the math curriculum at AC – to create confident, life-long learners.  On one level, the curriculum is designed to prepare students for the SAT and ACT, to gain acceptance to college, and to succeed in their college classes and beyond.  On a deeper level, the math curriculum develops broad analytical skills that can be applied to problem solving beyond the math classroom.  The strict logic involved in a geometric proof can help a student develop a coherent argument in any field such as law, business, science, or higher mathematics.  In fact, the training of the mind to master deep mathematical concepts develops the skills to “learn how to learn.”  These same skills will help students succeed in professions that require assimilating new and complex ideas, such as a programming language, challenging concepts in science, business, or in any field.  The big goal is to help students become life-long learners, to have the flexibility to choose and change careers, and not to be limited in that growth by lack of skills in fundamental math and problem solving.

AC's Math Department is pleased to offer STEM courses in AP Computer Science A, Honors Robotics, and other Technology courses as well as a Robotics Team that competes in annual competitions.

Typical Math Tracks

9th grade: Algebra 1 or Honors Algebra 1
10th grade: Geometry or Honors Geometry
11th grade: Algebra 2
12th grade: PreCalculus

9th grade: Honors Algebra 1 (Placement based on Math Placement Test)
10th grade: Honors Geometry
11th grade: Honors Algebra 2
12th grade: Honors PreCalculus or Honors Calculus*
* Some students choose to complete Precalculus in summer school to qualify for Honors Calculus as seniors

9th grade: Advanced Geometry (Placement based on Math Placement Test)
10th grade: Advanced Algebra 2
11th grade: Advanced Precalculus
12th grade: AP AB Calculus, AP BC Calculus or AP Statistics


Rose Benedetti '03, Department Chair,
BA- Justice Studies and Sociology, University of New Hampshire
MA- Justice Studies, University of New Hampshire
Peter Chun,
BA- Government, Harvard University
MBA- University of Pennsylvannia 
Maria Davey,
BS- Mathematics, Davidson College
MEd- Mathematics Education, Northeastern University
Emma Devine,
BS- Piano & Organ Performance/BS- Mathematics, University of South Carolina
Paul Frassa,
BS- Math Education, Northeastern University
MEd- Administration, Boston State College
CAGS- Administration, Boston State College
Michelle Maffeo,
​BS- Mathematics, Salem State University
Regina Needham,
BS- Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University
MEd- Education, Salem State University
Brian Morgan, '18, Math Tutor,

Course Offerings

All students are required to take Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.  The NumWorks calculor is being phased in and is required of grades 9 & 10. Any version of the TI-84 or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator is required in all other math classes.

Please Note: A grade of B- is required to remain in Advanced or Honors Math courses. A year end grade of A- and Departmental Approval are both required to move from an Honors level course to an Advanced level course; as well as move from a College-Prep level to an Honors level course.

Algebra 1

ALGEBRA 1 - 211
1 Credit

Algebra 1 is designed to give the students a solid foundation in basic algebraic concepts and skills which include sets, structure of number systems, equalities and the coordinate plane. Highlighting some of the key areas of introductory geometry and basic logical reasoning, provides students the underlying groundwork for future mathematics courses.

 Grade: 9

Algebra 2

ALGEBRA 2 – 231

1 Credit

This course consists of a detailed development of algebraic theory in the rational, real, and complex number systems. The subject matter deals with the study of relations, their properties and graphs with attention to the polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions. This course is a strong foundation for all higher mathematics courses.

 Grade: 11

Honors Algebra 1


1 Credit

The course is designed for the student well prepared by fundamental pre-algebra. Moving at a rapid pace, students are challenged by a highly competitive atmosphere. Students discover and develop algebraic concepts and skills by relating their knowledge of numbers to the variable. Topics include the language of sets, linear equalities, and inequalities, quadratic equations, linear systems, and functions. Numerous word problems provide practical application of the concepts being developed.

 Grade: 9

Advanced Geometry


1 Credit

This course is designed for highly motivated students with exceptional math skills and a strong background in Algebra.  The course integrates Algebra concepts in the study of Geometry.  The work centers around two basic understandings: the development of geometrical principles on a plane, and the nature of mathematical proofs. These two objectives are met by starting with undefined terms, such as point, line and plane, and then proceeding through the axioms and postulates to the theorems. In this approach, concepts are important as they relate to one another.  The course concludes with the study of Area and Volume.  In Advanced Geometry the subject matter is studied in greater depth, with more difficult proofs, than in the Honors Geometry course.

Grade: 9



1 Credit

Basic concepts of Geometry which include point, line, and plane are discussed; various axioms, postulates and theorems contributing to the understanding of proofs are studied. The reinforcement of algebraic concepts helps to foster an understanding of mathematical reasoning and to illustrate the interrelation between Geometry and Algebra. Basic trigonometric ratios are also explored.

 Grade: 10

Honors Geometry


1 Credit

The work centers around two basic understandings: the development of geometrical principles on a plane, and the nature of mathematical proofs. These two objectives are met by starting with undefined terms, such as point, line and plane, and then proceeding through the axioms and postulates to the theorems. In this approach, concepts are important as they relate to one another. In Honors Geometry the subject matter is studied in greater depth than in the college-prep course.

Grade 10

Advanced Algebra 2 & Trigonometry


1 Credit

This course is designed for highly motivated students with exceptional math skills and a strong background in Algebra and Geometry.  Topics covered will include linear and quadratic functions, matrices, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry and an introduction to trigonometry. These topics are covered at a necessary depth to progress to Advanced Precalculus as a junior and AP Calculus as a senior.

 Grades: 9, 10

Honors Algebra 2 & Trigonometry


1 Credit

This is an intensive course in Algebraic skills which goes into greater depth and at a more accelerated pace than Algebra 2.  Topics covered will include linear and quadratic functions, matrices, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, analytic geometry and an introduction to trigonometry. These topics are necessary for the study of Pre-Calculus and Calculus.

 Grade: 11



1 Credit

This course will prepare students for the next level mathematics course they would take in college. Topics include: coordinate geometry, polynomials, inequalities, functions, exponentials and logarithms.  Time permitting, trigonometry would also be covered.  The content taught in this course applies algebraic processes to analyze data and graphs.

Grades: 11, 12


Honors Pre-Calculus


1 Credit

This course is intended for the above average math students. The same topics studied in Pre-Calculus are studied in this course, but at an accelerated pace. More emphasis is placed on the theory and use of the graphing calculator.

 Grades: 11, 12

Advanced Pre-Calculus


1 Credit

This course is intended for the advanced math student. The Pre-Calculus topics will be discussed at an advanced level and accelerated pace, with more emphasis on trigonometry. This course prepares students for the AP Calculus course.

 Grades: 10, 11

Honors Calculus


1 Credit

This course will prepare students for further study of mathematics in college.  Topics covered will include a review of algebra, functions and graphs, derivatives, applications of the derivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions, integration, and applications of integration.  Students must have successfully completed one full year of Honors Pre-Calculus.

 Grades: 11, 12

AP AB Calculus


1 Credit

Advanced Placement Calculus is a college- level course which includes differential and integral calculus, and their applications. This course is intended for those students who are planning careers in engineering, mathematics, or computer science, and prepares students to earn college credit by taking the Advanced Placement exam. Any student wishing to take this course must have successfully completed one full year of Advanced Pre-Calculus and be recommended by the Advanced Pre-Calculus teacher. The student is required to take the Advanced Placement Calculus AB Exam.


Grades: 11, 12

AP BC Calculus


1 Credit

Advanced Placement Calculus BC is a college-level course which includes differential and integral calculus, infinite sequences and series, polar functions, and applications of these topics. This course is intended for those students who are planning careers in engineering, mathematics, or computer science; and prepares students to earn college credit by taking the Advanced Placement BC exam. Any student wishing to take this course must have successfully completed one full year of Advanced Placement Calculus AB and be recommended by the AP Calculus AB teacher.  The student is required to take the Advanced Placement Calculus BC Exam.


Grade: 12

AP Computer Science A


This course covers topics typically found in a college-level first course in computer science, and provides a solid preparation for the College Board’s Advanced Placement Computer Science A examination. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. This course is designed for students with knowledge of basic English and algebra and having intermediate to advanced PC skills. Students should be comfortable with functions and the concepts found in the uses of functional notation, such as f(x) = x + 2. Emphasis will be placed on the study of Java syntax, object-oriented programming, problem solving, and algorithmic development.

Grades: 11, 12

AP Computer Science Principles


1 Credit

AP Computer Science Principles is designed to be equivalent to a first-semester college computing course and introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science, challenging them to explore how computing and technology impact the world. In this course, students will develop a broad and robust understanding of computer science while using computational tools to analyze and visualize data, draw conclusions from trends, and develop solutions to problems.  Among the concepts presented are abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Students will gain familiarity with a number of programming languages, including C, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Students will work cooperatively as well as individually to solve problems to build team collaboration skills. Students will also develop effective communication skills as they discuss and write about the impact these solutions could have on their community, society, and the world.  It is recommended that a student in the AP Computer Science Principles course should have successfully completed Algebra 1 and Geometry with a strong foundation in linear functions. Students should be able to employ problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts. Students are required to take the AP Exam in May.


Grades: 11, 12

AP Statistics


1 Credit

In AP Statistics there are four major themes:  Exploratory Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns;  Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and Conducting a Study; Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability; and, Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses.


In this course, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments. Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance behavior. Sampling distributions provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.  Any student wishing to take this course must have taken or be currently taking Precalculus.  The student is required to take the AP Statistics Exam.


Juniors may elect this course in addition to a Pre-Calculus or Calculus course. 


Grades: 11, 12

Senior Math Topics


1 Credit

A variety of subject matter will be studied from financial literacy to advanced math. Early in the year emphasis will be placed on the data, statistics and probability as seen in the SATs alongside finance lessons such as creating a budget and renting and furnishing an apartment. Midyear students explore credit cards, interest and taxes while we use factoring to sketch polynomials and transformations to graph parent functions. By the end of the course students will be able to balance a checkbook, and have a working knowledge of trigonometry and the unit circle as well as an introduction to radical, rational, exponential and logarithmic expressions and equations, as time permits.   This course is restricted to seniors who have been recommended by their junior year teacher and have departmental approval. This course is not NCAA approved. 


Grade: 12