Arlington Catholic Theology



Studying Theology at Arlington Catholic High School can be a transformative experience. The Mobius strip represents the continuous interplay between the inner and outer aspects of our lives.  The creation of the self and society is an ongoing process that engages the mind, body and soul. Just as the Cross is at the center of the symbol, Catholic-Christian teaching informs all aspects of the curriculum.  We, in the Theology Department, are dedicated to challenging the mind, nurturing the heart and inspiring the spirit of our students.

Students are called:

  • To be critical thinkers who ask searching questions about meaning and values.
  • To recognize how studying theological and spiritual ideas is essential to understanding past and present societal issues.
  • To value the insights gained from introspection and examination of conscience.
  • To affirm the fundamental dignity of all human beings.
  • To advocate for the weak, the poor and the oppressed.
  • To act on the core values of respect, compassion, justice and integrity both in and out of the classroom.


David Wilcox, Department Chair,
BA- Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Boston
MEd- Religious Education, Boston College
Andrew Buck, Campus Minister,
BA- Classics & Philosophy, College of the Holy Cross
MTS- Theological Studies, Boston College
Serge Clivio,
BA- Religious Studies, Merrimack College
Anna Danahy,
BA- Communications, University of Santo Tomas
MA- Ministry, Saint John's Seminary
Robert Heald,
BS- Theology, Providence College
MA- Philosophy, Mount Saint Mary's College & Seminary
Cynthia Przytula,
BA- English/Drama, St. Mary's College
Faith Woods,
BA- Theology, Christendom College

Course Offerings

All students are required to take four years of Theology, which includes an elective course in their senior year. Active participation is expected in all classes.


** PLEASE NOTE: Course offerings are under revision. New data will be posted below as it becomes available.

Theology 1


1 Credit



The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course students will understand that Jesus Christ is the ultimate Revelation to us from God. In learning about who he is, the students will also learn who he calls them to be. This course introduces students to the Blessed Trinity in and through the fullness of God’s revelation of Himself: Jesus Christ. They will study the Incarnation, the union of Christ’s two natures, Jesus as the exemplar of humanity, as well as the unique role of Mary, the mother of God. This course prepares students to overcome the challenges of Faith, and leads them to a more profound understanding of what it means to believe.


This course is designed as an introduction to the Bible as well as a study of the Hebrew Scriptures. It offers students an opportunity to read the Bible and learn how to understand and apply its truths to their own lives. Through a study of basic biblical themes, the course develops an understanding of how God has worked in human history and still works in our world today.

Theology 2


This course introduces students to the person and message of Jesus and continues the study of the Bible begun in the freshman year. It shows students how to understand the message of the Christian Scriptures in light of the Gospels. Students are given opportunities to apply Jesus’ message to their own lives.



This course will introduce students to the moral teaching of the Catholic Church with the goal of inviting them to live a moral life in Christ. Students will learn about every person’s deep desire for God that is written in our hearts and God’s plan to bring us true happiness by living as He created us to live. They will also explore the meaning of law, the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ great commandments, Jesus’ moral teaching and example, the reality of sin, and the relationship between human freedom and conscience.  

Honors Theology 2


1 Credit

This course covers essentially the same material as the college-prep course.  However it offers students the opportunity to explore these concepts in more depth.  Therefore this course requires students to do additional reading, write quality essays and engage in active, meaningful discussions.  In an honors level course, students are expected to have serious, consistent work ethic, be actively engaged in class material and discussion and be self-motivated. 

Requirement:  Students should have a minimum grade of B+ in Theology 1.

Grade: 10

Theology 3


Students will learn of the body of doctrine collectively known as Catholic Social Teaching, which proposes principles for integrating the truth of the Catholic Faith into society in pursuit of justice, peace, and the common good. This course will provide an overview of this teaching, with a focus on developing an understanding of human dignity, justice, and charity in the various spheres of human life. This course is designed to enable students to make mature, Christian decisions about complex world problems. Specifically, the course addresses national and global problems such as racism, sexism, poverty, and war.



This course examines the concepts of sacredness and sacramental awareness from a Catholic perspective. The meanings of symbols and rituals are explored through the study of the sacraments and prayers of the Catholic Church. Students will learn of the origin, foundation, and manifestation of the Catholic Church, established by Jesus Christ during His earthly life to continue His saving mission until the end of time. Through their exploration of the Church, students will consider various images of the Church, the four marks of the Church, and the role of the Church in the life of the believer.

Honors Theology 3


1 Credit

This course covers essentially the same material as the college-prep course.  However, it offers students the opportunity to explore these concepts in more depth.  Therefore, this course requires students to do additional reading, write essays, and engage in active, meaningful discussions.  In an honors level course, students are expected to have a serious, consistent work ethic, be actively engaged in class material and discussions, and be self-motivated.  

Requirement: Students should have a minimum grade of  A- in Theology 2 or a B+ in Honors Theology 2

Grade: 11

Theology 4 - Examining The Problem of Evil

1 Credit


This course examines the Problem of Evil: what is evil, and why does it exist? The theological form of the Problem of Evil can be stated in this way: If God is all powerful and loving, then why is there evil in the world?  However, we will see that this problem is not limited to religious believers, but is part of a much broader question about the issue of purpose and meaning in the world.  This course will attempt to wrestle with the question of the Problem of Evil by examining traditional Christian theological answers to this problem such as: The Fall of Man and Original Sin, Christ’s Atonement, and the Fall of Lucifer. In addition to the theological answers to the Problem of Evil, we will examine the intriguing contributions of modern social science to this question, particularly Social Psychology and the work of Philip Zimbardo in his landmark book The Lucifer Effect. Case studies will be drawn from various historical events such as the Witch Trials of Europe and America, the Jewish Holocaust, and the Rwandan Genocide.


Theology 4 - Religions of the World


Senior Elective:


This course challenges students to develop a critically reflective approach to the study of the major religions of the world.  This course explores the various forms of religious expression throughout history and into the modern world. Specifically, the students study concepts such as theism, atheism, cults, mythology and indigenous  religion along with major religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and the religions of Japan and China. The context of the course is our increasingly globalized, pluralistic world. The course aims to clarify how religious beliefs and practices shape and influence society, and how culture shapes and influences particular religions and our own religious experiences.


Theology 4- Christian Spirituality & Discipleship


This course is designed to deepen students’ understanding of Christian spirituality and discipleship. Students will examine discipleship as a process of lifelong transformation that results from engaging with God as revealed to us through Jesus Christ. Through a survey of the mystical tradition of the saints, this course examines how to pursue and obtain the goals of Christian spirituality such as: transformation, freedom, holiness, joy, union, and peace. It is in the wisdom and witness of these saints that students will confront the power of the Gospel made manifest in the human heart, and identify ways how Christ’s saving work can be as real in our lives as it was in the lives of his followers two thousand years ago. Students will engage with the wisdom and witness of the saints. Through reflection and experiential learning, students will encounter the transforming power of living out the fullness of the Christian life.